Dogs are pretty well-recognized as great pets and companions.



But in my opinion, they are so much more than just pets.



Research has shown that having a dog can improve both your mental and physical health.



It has also shown that dogs can improve your social life.



I can speak directly to this. My dog has helped me significantly improve my social life and relationships in the following ways:


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My Dog Encourages Me to Meet New People



Having a dog is a great way to expand your social circle.



Between bringing my dog to the dog park, taking him on walks, and dragging him to social events, I strike up FAR more conversations with strangers than I would have if I were on my own.



And, because I have a unique-looking dog (he’s often “mistaken” for a bear), people go out of their way to comment on him and ask me questions.





People driving by have actually stopped traffic on a busy road to ask about my dog when we’re on a walk. It’s crazy…. And awesome!



Having a dog has introduced me to so many people that I probably would never have engaged with otherwise!


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My Dog Is a Conversation Piece



I could talk all day long about the funny things that my dog has done.



So many stories and conversations I have with friends and family revolve around past and present pets.



You could have seemingly nothing else in common with a person, yet when he or she is a fellow dog-lover, you can exchange stories for hours!



It’s unbelievable how much connectedness dogs and other pets help us create with others.


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My Dog Is Much-Needed Comedic Relief in Conflicts



I can’t tell you how many times my dog has diffused a tense or undesirable human interaction.



It’s uncanny that when I’m in the midst of a heated argument, a stressful time, or tearful moment, how often my dog suddenly does something funny or loving to make me smile or break the tension.



I can think of several tough conversations I’ve had with my fiancé during which our dog’s loud burping, or barking, or his jumping on the couch to cuddle with us completely changed the atmosphere in the room.



Instead of focusing on the negative emotions we were feeling, we laugh at our dog and, in turn, feel more connected with each other.




My Dog Helps Me Love Unconditionally



Although I already have wonderful human relationships, my dog gives me additional encouragement to love others unconditionally.



He’s a perfect example of the fact that even though someone else is not perfect (for example, some of us might dig through the garbage for leftover Chipotle and shred it all over the floor even though we know we’re not supposed to), we should love them anyway.



My dog has taught me how to care for another life. And even in his most frustrating moments, I love him without restraint.




My Dog Teaches Me to Be Patient with Others





On the spectrum of patience, I would generally put myself on the low end.



Something I’m constantly working on is trying to be more patient in all areas of life – with myself, with other people, and with other uncontrollable circumstances.



My dog has helped me immensely with this.



He is very headstrong. He likes to do what he wants to do…on his time, not mine.



Whether it’s with slow-going training, allowing him to sniff around on walks (which requires me to stop walking every few feet), or correcting “bad” behavior for the thousandth time, my dog has taught me to remain calm in situations that would normally bring out strong feelings of impatience.


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My Dog Keeps Me Present



Being mindful and present is essential in any relationship (and in life in general).



For a relationship to thrive, we have to be attentive to each other and engaged in the moment.



I don’t know about you, but my brain is constantly jumping from thought to thought all throughout the day.



It’s very difficult for me to be fully present in any given situation.



Not when it comes to spending time with my dog, though.



Dogs are always living in the present moment.



They are typically just being and not thinking of the future (unless you say the word “walk,” in which case, they will hold you accountable to that future act).



Because of this, dogs help us remain in the present moment whether we’re playing with them, snuggling them, or just watching them live life without regard to what might happen next.



Last Thoughts



I understand dogs and pets aren’t for everyone, but I can’t stress the amount of value my dog has brought to my life, especially when it comes to my relationships.



I think we could all learn a thing or two about living a good life from our four-legged friends.