Is there something you need or want to get done right now, but just can’t bring yourself to do it?


Have you been sitting in front of your desk, or computer screen, willing yourself to just start already?


I’ve been there.


I used to identify so much as a procrastinator.


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You can ask anyone who knows me and they will have a story about it.


When I was in college, I never didn’t save an essay for the night before. When I was in law school, I pulled two straight all-nighters to finish a writing assignment I’d known about for an entire semester. I would even procrastinate things that I WANTED to do…you know, just because.


I used to pride myself on “working well under pressure,” which really just meant I couldn’t stop procrastinating, but somehow after a sleepless, tearful night of work I would still turn in an acceptable product the next day.


Nobody enjoys procrastinating.


nobody likes procrastinating


Well, we may enjoy the fun things we do as we put off the project, but when time is running out and we’re frantically scrambling to get it done, none of us is having fun.


Based on my very extensive history of procrastination, here are a few tried and true tips to stop putting the thing off and get it done now:


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Create Productive Time Slots


PLAN your procrastination!


  • Create 20 minute or 1 hour chunks of time where you turn off all distractions (yes, even your phone) and commit completely to working on your assignment.
  • When that designated time slot is up, go back to your procrastination for a period of time until your next productivity time chunk.
  • Repeat until complete.


For me, knowing there’s end in sight to my work makes it easier to get the work done. And I want to get it done faster so that I can go back to enjoying my time.



Change Your Scenery


change your scenery








I’ve found that when I’m sitting in the same place for a long period of time trying to finish a project, the longer I sit there, the less I get done. And the more stressed I get that I’m not getting it done.


This is when I like to pack up my stuff and change locations.


  • If you’re staying late at work, go home (if you’re able to take work home).
  • Go to a coffee shop. Or a library. Or a Denny’s (some of them are open all night!).


For whatever reason, changing physical location helps stimulate thought and can give you that extra motivation you need to get your task done.


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Take an Exercise Break


Exercise is so great for clearing your mind and for generating creativity.


Taking time to exercise, or even just go for a walk, when you’re in the depths of procrastination will give you a much-needed mental break.


Once the endorphins are flowing, you’ll have renewed energy to finish up that project!



Talk Through It


When I find myself completely stuck, and none of my other tricks are getting me on track, I make a phone call or talk with a friend about my current predicament.


This virtually always works for me.


Have you ever read something so many times through that eventually even the basic concepts stop making sense?


When we have a big assignment, and we stare at it for hours and hours, we get overwhelmed and start overthinking.


This is where the phone call comes in handy. Explaining a concept to someone else helps our brains organize the information in an easy-to-understand way, which takes the overwhelm out of the process.


Sometimes the person you’re talking to will provide a perspective or idea you hadn’t thought of before that gives you inspiration to complete the job, or at least makes things more manageable.


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In addition to these strategies, it’s always important to remember that DONE is better than PERFECT.


I hope these tricks have helped you overcome procrastination.